with all this rain? Makes me feel like I live in a gnome zone. I just came back
after a wonderful week in the Bay Area.
Every morning I saw the sun rise outside my bedroom window and if my sister was already up and her
door was open I could look to the west to see the Mt. Tam dressed in morning hues. Everything looked so colorful, the fall
tress dressed in oranges and gold, the air clean and blue forever. Not a cloud
in the sky.
would take a walk along the lagoon and although the air was cool enough for a
sweater, walking into the sun was warm.
The early morning Marin Rowing Club members were skimming across the
flaccid water in their skinny boats.
Cattle egrets skipped along the shore looking for worms and tiny
fish. Old eucalyptus trees trying
to shed their bark in strings reflected the pink pastels of the early
morning. How I love this climate!!
Now I
come back to the northwest and wonder why I live here in the winter. It is
dreary; overcast with a constant drip of fall rains washing off dead leaves of
summer past. The sidewalks are slick, the storm drains over flowing and the
temperature hovering around 40 degrees. I truly feel like the winter gnome, the
tiny knurly creature hold up in a small cave poking her nose out to test the
temperature and
humidity, scooting back into her snug abode, not venturing out into the sloppy
transformation from fall to winter.
I long for sun. I long for warmth.
I long for none interrupted blue sky.
this come with old age? Wanting to
become a snowbird, fleeing to the desert with all its splendid dryness. This
sends me to the Internet to look for rentals and I start with Tubac. An old casita that was once the home of
the postmaster is now owned by a “well known novelist” and one wonders why
he/she wants to rent a place where they could write away unencumbered by big
sloppy city life. It is less space
than my own place, but with outside seating on a patio in the sun, mind you,
would be heavenly. I really find
this dreariness of Seattle like a very heavy cape, dragging me down, buckling
me to my knees, and too heavy a load to move around. I really must get a grip
and change my mind. Things could
be worse I guess I could be living in Iceland with only five hours of sun this
time of year.