Sunday, June 11, 2017

My Friend, Snoopy

Pets are humans best friends.  As a child growing up I adored neighborhood dogs and frequently I would bring home strays and my mother would telephone the dogcatcher to have the animals taken away.  She was allergic to all kinds of animals especially cats and would have an asthma attack to even step into a house which used to have a cat living there.

I dreamed about having a dog and would have been more than delighted to have been given a puppy at Christmas time or my birthday but that was never to be.

How I envy friends who have companion animals in their lives, but am so thankful that they have shared them with me.  Take Snoopy, Annie’s Border Collie, who greets me with ecstatic enthusiasm - a complete display of unconditional love, and tries to talk to me, probably saying things like, ‘It is so great to see you Lucy, you have made my day, I am thrilled that you have come to visit.  So glad that you are here.”  

Yesterday he bound up onto the sofa where I was sitting and gave me a French kiss before I knew what was happening.  It took him about 10 minutes before he settled down to take a nap on the rug.  He had had a wonderful morning going to the park, running and running in the rain after a Frisbee and then plunging into the lake.  He had taken on the day full force in spite of the weather.  One has to learn from dogs to enjoy every moment.

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