For the past several weeks I have been dogged by a housefly
the size of a gopher. It
lurks in the shadows and just as I pour my morning coffee in the kitchen it dive-bombs
me. I reach for the fly swatter
and it melts into the dark recesses my apartment. I looked up some facts about flies and learned that they can
live for up to 28 days and this one was a granddaddy of them all.
First I put up a sticky fly ribbon hoping to catch him but
after three days with no luck I took it down. Then I went on the #1 website for eliminating flies and
found directions to construct a fly trap that they claimed works.
I followed the instructions and made the trap out of sugar
water, a glass, and a paper funnel with small hole in it. According to the instructions
flies get attracted to food with a sense of smell which is 10 million times
more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue. Flies compound eyes have very bad vision. The theory behind this home made fly
trap is that the fly will be attracted by the sugar, crawl down the cone, drop
through the hole into the sugar water, have their fill then because of their
bad vision can’t figure out how to get out of the glass and then I supposed
gorge on sugar water and are transported into another world in an ecstasy of
excess. That sounded pretty good
and pretty humane. I had that trap
out on the counter for four days.
Each morning I would check to see if that huge black critter was belly
up in sugar water. No luck.
I would then try to stand for several minutes with a fly
swatter raised in the attack position, but the fly would disappear. One evening hard pressed for something
for dinner I took out a frozen hot dog bun and put it on the counter. I saw the fly. Maybe he preferred a bun to sugar and I
got out my swatter. He landed on
the bun. I took one slam and did
him in with one blast and he lay feet up on the counter. I couldn’t believe that I got him after
all this time. He was too wee to
be stuffed and mounted on a plaque but I just about felt like doing it.
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